Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Our politicians should be younger than me. Not stupid, just younger...

It really is time to drain the swamp when you consider that fully one-quarter of the current Senators are older than I am...  

And I'm no spring chicken, trust me...

It's good report and well worth reading. Find it here:

1 comment:

  1. sometimes I get the feeling the reason why they stay in so long is to keep from going to prison. that and the power
    they have/get from staying right where they are. kind of weird how most of them become millionaires on 175,000
    a year now isn't it ? just look at AOC, 6 years ago she was a broke bartender and now she worth 29 million ?
    and then there is all of the other bennies, healthcare, security 24/7/365 and little thigs like that.
    I think most of them belong in prison myself. dave in pa.


I'm not here, but what's his name is...