Wednesday, May 17, 2023

New York's Mayor to citizens: 'Suck it up - deal with it. I can't...'

New York City Mayor Eric Adams (D) says outraged parents will have to deal with border crossers and illegal aliens living in their children’s public school gyms for the time being.
The kids can't have gym classes or normal after-school activities because he's dumping migrants into every available space - even the Public schools.
Sooner or later the hotel rooms will all be full, the Javitz Center won't be available for conventions, and the city will die. Read the full story and weep for what the Big Apple once was:


  1. Poor poor poor NY parents.

  2. I see now that even the "darkies" are outraged over the illegals coming in. I guess they feel they that the illegals will be cutting into their freebies!

  3. gee, I guess they don't like the idea of their kids getting raped ? what I don't understand is why we have to take care of them in the first place ? just ship their ass back to wherever they came from. by taking them in, more will come. and who is going top PAY for all of this shit anyway ? OH, yeah. us

  4. Suggestion: travel to Mexico, cross the border, get sent to New York, get a taxpayer provided $500 per night hotel room, offer those via AIRBNB, go home to sleep.
    You'll be rich beyond your means.

  5. Remember the garbage barge that NYC sent out to wonder around the seas searching for a place to dump. I'm picturing them doing the same thing with illegals.
