Wednesday, May 3, 2023

I've said it before and I'll say again and again. This place is complete bullshit...

Okay - maybe you can explain it, 'cause I sure as fuck can't... 
George Michael was a Brit pop singer. Willie is as country as country gets, and Missy Elliot? Who the fuck knows what she is.
So tell me again, why does this place call itself the R&RHoF?

Johnnie Winter, Mountain and Grand Funk Railroad 
before any of these people, ferfucksake...


  1. Amen.

    Even allowing for "crossover" , this induction class is mostly a joke.
    Except for Kate Bush - I've loved Kate Bush from the very first time I heard "Wuthering Heights" !

  2. look at who does the picking. they all left wing moon bats as my dad would say. just another bullshit award.

  3. I think not being inducted is a point of honor and pride by Grand Funk.

    Who set record sales at concerts. And had some really jamming tunes. And were better than the Beatles.
