Monday, May 22, 2023

He's the Mayor of WhineyTown...

New York City Mayor Eric Adams wants migrants to be sent to every major city in America as he continues to try and ease the burden on New York City. The mayor has reopened many of the city's closed hotels and turned them into migrant shelters and turned school gyms into temporary accommodation to deal with an anticipated influx of asylum seekers being bussed from Texas and Florida after crossing the southern border. 
'We have 108,000 cities, villages, towns,' he said Sunday. 'If everyone takes a small portion of that, and if it's coordinated at the border to ensure that those who are coming here to this country in a lawful manner is actually moved throughout the entire country, it is not a burden on one city.'  

The Democrat revealed New York City had received 70,000 migrant asylum-seekers since August and 42,000 are still in the city, with the crisis only expected to worsen after the end of Title 42. Adams claimed that New York City does not have the resources capable of handling the wave of migrants sent to the city by bus by Republican Texas Governor Greg Abbott and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis.
'Tough titties said the kitty, but the milk is good'. Or something like what my wife would say...


  1. Re-open Ellis Island, problem solved

    1. Just put them all in the Fishkill landfill.

    2. And process every illegal that shows up there for deportation... Make Ellis Island outbound instead of inbound.

  2. Havana, Caracas, Mexico City... , why do we get all the joy here in El Norte?

  3. "those who are coming here to this country in a lawful manner" are not the problem. I welcome anyone who comes to this country in a "lawful" manner. The criminals can go to hell.

  4. Problem is , not every city Wants to be a "Sanctuary" city . Keep them ,you wanted 'em

  5. I got a better idea. Ship the illegal's back to their home country.

  6. Snd a lot of them to Delaware to punish those assholes for relecting biden for 50 years.


Don't worry, Arch, she ain't goin' nowhere - nekkid...

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