Monday, May 22, 2023

Do you feel the same way about protestors the way I do?

According to legend, tossing one coin into the Trevi Fountain means you'll return to The Eternal City (Rome), tossing two coins means you'll return and fall in love, and tossing three coins means you'll return, find love, and marry. Luck or no luck, your money goes to a good cause. 

It's a crime to steal the coins from the Trevi - I wonder if any of these dooshbags scooped any up while they were in there. They all deserve a good smack in the back of the head at the very least...


  1. I'm sure the fountain has some sort of filter, couple of gallons of Crystal Clear will fix it right up. Same stuff they use to help settle the particulates in drinking water & aquarium's.

  2. They should all immediately be turned into charcoal in a nearby alley.


I'm not here, but what's his name is...