Sunday, May 7, 2023

Coming to their senses (if they have any left) in Washington State? Hard to believe...

In case you haven't noticed, I take their online graphics and 'edit' them 
a bit to make what I think are more striking graphics with a little more 
'eye appeal'. I hope you like 'em also.
Read this story and see for yourself that these brain-adled liberal shitbags are finally beginning to understand how fucked up their 'L'aissez Faire' politics are destroying society as we know it, and maybe this is a wake-up call for all of them. Find it here:

Mother's Day is next Sunday.
 Don't wait until the last minute 
to get her something nice...

Click on the picture above for information on this bracelet.
 You can find something nice for your Mom, your wife, 
your daughter or your girlfriend right here: 


  1. I have just a sneaking hunch that absolutely zero of the drug users in Bellingham will give the slightest shit about a law banning drugs. Just a wild guess but the S4B's on the city clown show can pat themselves on the back for yet another waste of time.

  2. "coming to their senses"???? Inslee's "climate change" bill has added over .50 to a gallon of gas since the first of the year and climbing. He also just signed an un Constitutional gun control bill that made instant felons out of 1,000s of WA residents despite knowing it'll be overturned.
