Sunday, May 21, 2023

At what point will we say 'Enough is too much - this shit has to stop?'

We don't need them, we don't want them, we didn't ask them to come here and we sure as fuck don't want to support them, so when will someone, somewhere, say 'Enough is enough'? 
Literally millions of unwanted criminal illegals are flooding our country and bankrupting all of us with their care and upkeep. There just aren't that many lawn-mowing and dishwashing jobs out there for all of these people. How do we send them back from whence? Your guess is as good as mine.

The New York Post is reporting on this flood of moochers on a daily basis, and I swear it seems like nobody has the balls to do anything. When will it end? Read todays report here: 

Need a gift idea for someone special?
This may be just the thing for her...
You can find something nice for your Mom, your wife, 
your daughter or your girlfriend right here: 


  1. it seems like the clowns in "charge" want to overload the system. just bring it all to a crashing stop.
    let crime get so bad they people start demanding the clowns do something. like martial law.
    and here is the fun part (yeah, right. ) guess how much in bennies these illegals are getting as a rule ?
    close to 3 grand a month or better. plus "free" healthcare and shelter and meals. yup, we are on the hook for it all too. like you, send them back. why on earth are they bussing and flying them all over the country ?
    unless they plan to destroy the country as we knew it. and every last one on them will vote (??) for the clowns
    that let them in too. this is like watching a train wreck in slow motion and there not much we can do to stop it.

  2. The problem is that the left has so many "we believe anything you say" voters that democrats deliberate create problems like this and then inform their uninformed voters: "Republicans' fault". And they'll keep believing it. The media of course is compliant.
