Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Another load of absolute bullshit from 'the Squad'...

 Members of the 'Squad' are demanding $14 TRILLION in federal reparations for descendants of slaves... 

The radical scumbags say it should be paid for by reducing defense spending. I wouldn't give 'em a fuckin' dime if they danced and sang for me like the minstrels they are.


  1. I grew up in the south of the fifties and sixties, I didn’t like the attitude that prevailed there. These people make me ashamed of who I am.

  2. No reparations without African repatriation.

  3. gee, what about all of the free shit they have gotten since the civil rights act was passed in 1964 ?
    or how about all of the free shit they have gotten from every other damn program that gave them stuff ?
    how about this, they get ONE million dollars and leave the country forever ?
    they can go back and be kangs and shit back in their homeland.

  4. Let's do the same with them as we did with the real natives of this country: put them in reservations.

  5. First, deduct the cost of the Civil War right off the top, as well as compensation to every family who lost members fighting for the Union .
    Then, have anyone who takes "reparation" money immediately lose their US citizenship and be shipped back to Mother Africa, to return them to their ancestral shitholes .

  6. Set that group in an uninhabited area and let them create a civilization of their own. In 6 months there will be rampant cannibalism and tribal warfare.

  7. The US and republicans do not have any responsibility to fund reparations to democrats because of democrat policy and history.

  8. All people pushing this are Dems, but Dems were behind keeping slavery and after CW they started KKK, segregation, Jim Crow Laws, and pushed in the break up of the Black Family while adding Food Stamps and Welfare, leading to less working and families.

  9. $14, we can do is a one way ticket back to the motherland

  10. Offer them 40 acres and a tractor. There won't be many takers.
