Friday, April 14, 2023

Would NPR exist without Federal dollars? Fuck no they wouldn't... - The crybaby lib dooshbags at National Public Radio will no longer post fresh content to its 52 official Twitter feeds, becoming the first 'major news organization' (their words, not mine) to go silent on the social media platform. 
In explaining its decision, NPR cited Twitter's decision to first label the network "state-affiliated media," the same term it uses for propaganda outlets in Russia, China and other autocratic countries.
The decision by Twitter last week took the public radio network off guard. When asked by NPR tech reporter Bobby Allyn, Twitter owner Elon Musk asked how NPR functioned. Musk allowed that he might have gotten it wrong.
Twitter then revised its label on NPR's account to "government-funded media." The news organization says that is inaccurate and misleading, given that NPR is a private, nonprofit company with editorial independence. It says it receives less than 1 percent of its $300 million annual budget from the federally funded Corporation for Public Broadcasting.
This is 110% absolute bullshit. The CPB's annual budget is composed almost entirely of an annual appropriation from Congress plus interest on those funds. CPB has claimed that 95% of its appropriation goes directly to content development, community services, and other local station and system needs.
By going silent on Twitter, NPR's chief executive says the network is protecting its credibility and its ability to produce journalism without "a shadow of negativity." "The downside, whatever the downside, doesn't change that fact," NPR CEO John Lansing said in an interview. "I would never have our content go anywhere that would risk our credibility."


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  1. The democrats would have a shit fit if they ever de-funded their tv stations....

  2. My advice to Trump is, on the first day, sell NPR to the Democratic Party for $1.00. Let them take over the payroll and operating expenses. As a taxpaying conservative, I find the burden to be offensive.
