Sunday, April 2, 2023

With Uncle Joe ya never know. Neither does he.

Joe Biden has officially filed to make a bid for a second term in the 2024 presidential election. In a statement of candidacy posted to the Federal Election Commission, President Biden has been listed to run once again with current Vice President Kamala Harris.
Biden signed and filed the official declaration of candidacy on Friday, March 31. Even though his approval rating has never risen above 42 per cent, some people think the guy's got a shot.
Meanwhile, Kamala Harris has faced backlash over her awkward laugh during - among other things -  talks about Ukrainian refugees or about the US withdrawing from Afghanistan. She's also gotten shit from just about every side about her inability to speak with creating word salad sandwiches.

To say that this next election is going to be interesting is, at least for the time being, understatement.
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I'm sorry - I really should have started this post 
with something that was meant to be funny...

The beauty and the beast. This is a real moment, a real person, a real tornado. 
No composite. Dodge City, Kansas - Photo by Mike Mezeul

This is a view of Lower Manhattan from a helicopter. You never really think of the City being that colorful, but it is...




The FDA announced plans to make opioid reversal drug Narcan available for over-the-counter purchases as drug fatality rates continue to skyrocket across the United States. 
The nasal spray is manufactured by Emergent BioSolutions. But the company did not say how much it will charge, and there is concern that unless it is priced affordably, over-the-counter Narcan will likely have little impact on the people who need it most. 
If Biden's still in office, he'll probably have the Fed buy it all and then give it away for free, right?

Landing supplies and logistics. LIFE Magazine, 1943.

That's really not so hard to understand when you consider the fact that half the people in the country are smarter than the average American. That may sound tongue-in-cheek, but it's the truth. Even the people who absolutely hate the guy have to believe - deep down at least - that this whole thing is horseshit. 

Ya gotta give DJT props for one thing: He's taken all of the shit they've thrown at him over the past seven years and he's still standing...


I could definitely do this if it was on a shitload of property and maybe a rise overlooking the ocean. Yeah - that's the ticket. An ocean view with naked babes jogging past every morning. Yeah - I could do that...

This is Hedy Lamarr - another of the classic Hollywood 
megababes we tend to forget about.




  1. How is that NarCan nasal spray supposed to work if the person isn't breathing?

  2. I'll never forget Hedy LaMarr. An absolute beauty, and not a bad actress. SIGH...

    1. I never knew that she was a real beauty. whenever I see or hear her name , I can't help but think of Harvey Korman, "It's Hedley".

  3. So, who is the girl waving to us?
    Didn't she invent the idea of dithering RADAR frequencies during the war?

    1. She invented dithering frequencies for remote control, such as steering a bomb to it's target. This was an era when a dam or bridge often survived multiple bombing raids and hundreds of bombs, because they just weren't accurate enough. She had a good idea, but regrettably the technology to make it work wasn't ready yet. The best she and an engineer she hired to try to implement her ideas could come up with was two strips of punched paper tape with the frequency changes, and two readers in the transmitter and receiver. The readers often broke down or got out of sync when the ride got bumpy.

      Or perhaps the real problem was that even unjammable radio control wasn't good enough to hit the target. After all, Kamikaze planes with a live pilot on board would miss an entire aircraft carrier more often than not. Think of how much more difficult it is when instead of riding on the flying bomb, you're riding on a different aircraft a few miles away and trying to judge the trajectory through a telescope while you're fiddling with the controls.


Another HillBetty delight from Twisted Hillbiily...

Her name is Jessica Barton...