Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Where will Tucker go?

Carlson is already getting job offers from other right-leaning networks. 
OAN tweeted that it “would like to extend an invitation to Carlson to meet for negotiation”, with CEO Rob Herring telling Times of San Diego he “might give him around $25 million” to join them.
After leaving Fox News on Monday, Tucker Carlson received another 'informal' offer of employment from another former host of the network, Glenn Beck.
Beck discussed the departure of the Fox News' rating star on Monday on his show on television and radio network TheBlaze, which he owns. Mentioning that he and Carlson have "become friends" over the years, Beck said he would love to have the television host working for his company.
"We would love to have you here. You won't miss a beat. And together, the two of us will tear it up. Just tear it up," he said, addressing Carlson while talking to presenter Stu Burguiere.

1 comment:

  1. Beck and Carlson, Carlson and Beck either way sounds good. We're gunning for ya and Hell is riding with us.
    Sounds like a likeable duo.
    Many Merry Mother's Day wishes and May the 4th be for you all out there.
