Thursday, April 20, 2023

What kind of jerkoff do you have to be to set something like this up?

I have alerts turned off on my phone because of all those stupid silver alert things that go off daily here in heaven's waiting room, but obviously my wife doesn't, so yeah - we woke up to this bullshit this morning...
Cell phones blared to life at 4:45 a.m. ET Thursday with an emergency alert, rousing many Floridians from sleep. But there was no actual emergency. The helpful message stated the system was just being checked out. 
“This is a TEST of the Emergency Alert System. No action is required.” 
Well, many people in the Twitter-verse thought some action might be required: like the firing of whoever decided to test the emergency alert system at 4:45 a.m.
Some said it was rude. And some - like me - used much stronger language. 

Many were wondering why run a test at 4:45 a.m.? 
What Florida man would do such a thing and why?


  1. Complaints? Detroit will soon have the Muslim call to prayer all day and last one at 3:am.. The bill was just passed. This is just small potatoes..

  2. At 4:50 water companies reported a drop in pressure due to all the flushing.

  3. Alerts turned off because there were too many tests, insignificant, unnecessary, not my problem, and government mandated do-gooder announcements wasting my time.

  4. Coulda been worse. At least it wasn't a "Missile launch " detected like we had in Honolulu.
