Tuesday, April 18, 2023

This is not a threat - it's just a question...

 How hard would you hit this guy with your pool cue 
given the opportunity? 
Asking for a friend... 

On Monday, a “Just Stop Oil” protester jumped onto one of the tables at the 
World Snooker Championship in Sheffield, England, and spilled orange dye 
all over the table.
Play was suspended after the 30-year-old protester interrupted a match between Robert Milkins and Joe Perry by jumping on the table and covering half of it in orange powder.
As seen in the video, another protester attempted to jump on a different table but was stopped by a referee. The video is posted here:


  1. They'll get a slap on the wrist and will be made famous and rich by youtube.

  2. There was a Roman Centurion notorious for the beating he gave poor performers. his nickname was Bring Me Another. This was because he was one of the most brutal centurions in the army. He would break his vine stick over the backs of his men when disciplining them and then yell for someone to fetch him another one so he could continue. (The vine stick was the centurion's symbol of rank, and he used it to whack his men into shape)

  3. Like the Roman Centurion "Old Bring me another" I'd keep at it until the stick wore out, then yell, Bring me another!


I'm not here, but Calvin is...