Sunday, April 23, 2023

Think you're 'middle class'? Ya might need to think again...

Households in Cleveland, Ohio need to make at least $23,827 while in Fremont, California that threshold rises to $104,499...  
This is how much you really need to earn to be considered middle class in America:

There are a lot of details involved in these calculations, and some of them are kinda hit and miss, but you can read the full article here:

Barbecue season is here. Give Joe's sauces a try. They really are very good, or I wouldn't promote them here for him...


  1. We own our home outright, two cars outright, and are well set with regards to investments and retirement. How much or little we regard as "income " every year means nothing. We're being screwed quite well by both worthless parties, inflation, and every other destructive policy of the government. So by definition, we're middle class.

  2. The 10 least expensive to live in are all places I would not want to live.


I'm not here, but...