Friday, April 14, 2023

There's another side to this Bud Light bullshit. Think about it...

It's a marketing thing - and nothing else -  this whole 'tranny influencer' clusterfuck. A major marketing disaster. I get it. AB - Bud Light's parent company - has lost over $6,000,000,000.00 (that's six billion dollars for you guys out in California) in market value since this particular shit hit the fan. We all get it. We all know it is/was/will continue to be a really studpid marketing gambit. Okay.

So, think about this. How many trannies do you think there are in the United States? According to a survey done last year, there are about 1.4 million transsexuals in the US. I know - the number's a lot bigger than you thought, right? That number represents .0004% of the population of the country. Now - try to factor the number of trannies who would actually switch from whatever they were drinking to Bud Light simply because of the commercials. I'm figuring maybe 10th of one percent - maybe. That's 1,400 new customers for a piss-poor beer - MAX. 

So, these marketing gurus screwed the pooch, fucked up their careers, pissed off millions of people, created a 'political' windstorm (at least according to liberal media anyway) AND cost their employers billions of dollars in stock value and sales. 

How's that whole 'Go to war for a coupla days' thing workin' for ya, Vlad?



He made quite the impact with his visit over to Ireland. Six or seven people at least were impressed. PS - he was photographed again yesterday with Gerry Adams. Way to go, Joe. That won't piss off the Brits at all...


This is Debbie Harry (Blondie for you guys out in California) during her days as a Playboy Bunny at the Playboy Club in Vernon Valley, New Jersey back in the 70's. I was - believe it or not - an actuall full-fledged, card-carrying member of the club back in the mid-70's. She actually was a kinda major babe back then. She did/does annoy the fuck outta me for no good reason. 

Yeah - it took the meme-makers about seven-tenths of a second to come up with this one. Also well played, boys...






If you can't pay the bills, the 
least you can do is buy a little gift 
for someone you love...

Click on the picture above for information on this bracelet
It's only $18.00 with free shipping.  You can find something nice for 
your Mom, your wife, your daughter or your girlfriend right here: 


D'ja ever notice with all these tree-huggin' green planet
 renewable-everything dickbags how they all wanna save the 
planet and shit, but talk to them about putting windmills 
near their houses and they freak the fuck out? 
Yeah - think Ted Kennedy was on board with that one? 
NIMBY - no fuckin' way...



  1. Technically speaking, Interstate 4 should be called Intrastate 4 because it is only within Florida. You're welcome.

  2. Happened here when they put those fucking things up. All the Libs had signs in their yards. Hypocrites. Like their Let Love Lead signs. The ones who said they hope antivaxxers die. Fucking turbines are ugly as hell.

  3. I remember the first time I ever saw a number tattooed on a woman’s arm. I just got out of the USMC and walked into a coffee shop. I was appalled with the nazis and their beliefs.

  4. 0.0004% of 300,000,000 is 120,000. 0.004 is 1.2 million. I think that the 120,000 number is more likely the real number.
    I spoke with a Bud delivery driver yesterday who had his truck full of Bud light after making most of his stops. He said that every independent store owner refused to let him deliver the stuff. This in central NH.

  5. Re the stupidity of Bud Lite marketing . . . I think your point is valid but your math is slightly off. If 1.4 million were .0004 percent of the population, then the total population would be about 3.5 billion!
