Wednesday, April 26, 2023

The stupidity is about to begin. Adjust your brain accordingly...

A top Democratic super PAC will launch a six-figure digital advertising blitz in six battleground states on Wednesday, a day after President Joe Biden kicked off his 2024 reelection campaign.
Priorities USA, according to plans first shared with POLITICO, will also announce its overall investment target of $75 million for the 2024 presidential cycle — $5 million more than its 2020 target. The group will use the money to reach voters in key battleground states including Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.
The super PAC was founded in 2011 by former Obama campaign officials Bill Burton and Sean Sweeney to raise funds from wealthy donors, including corporations and unions, and support the re-election of President Barack Obama.
They've already previewed this - the first ad...

Most of the money will be used for online advertising, but the super PAC will also direct funds toward training Democratic organizers on digital campaign skills, its fellowship program and also its voting rights push, as the group continues to invest in voter protection litigation before the next election.
It will be fascinating to watch. How an they possibly portray his administration as anything remotely close to effective?

1 comment:

  1. Democrats would rather see America lose everything than see President Trump win anything.
