Friday, April 28, 2023

So - you wanna be a 'Sanctuary City', do ya? Well, there ya go...

In a classic case of having your cake and eating it too, the uber-liberal Mayor of the Big Apple is bitching about the number of 'migrants' the Fed is dumping on the city. This is a classic example of the old saying about 'being careful what you wish for...
I'd cut the guy a little bit of slack, though, 'cause he inherited this clusterfuck from his predecessor deBlazio, who inherited it from Bloomberg. As we say in the old neighborhood - 'Hey , a Dems' a Dem. Joke 'em if they can't take a fuck...'




Trinity College Library in Dublin is a stunningly beautiful building. It was built in 1592. The library houses a staggering 7 Million volumes with extensive collections of journals, manuscripts, maps and music reflecting 400 years of academic development.

A few of the truly cringe-worthy stories that 
Jerry Springer brought us over the years...


That number works out roughly to one in every fourteen people are alphabeters. To my mind, that sounds a little high, but I'm old and the majority of people I interact with on a daily basis are mostly old-school, married, more traditional blue-collar folks like me. 
That's not to say I don't know a coupla gay couples and such, it's the number that throws me off. Maybe because it skews so heavily towards the youngest segment of the population that I don't see it. 
I wonder what it is about how the different age groups are so different. Is it just that they are more exposed - and subsequently more open - to this trend? Got me swingin' (so to speak)...  

My neighbor's dog. His name is 'Stoner'...

Gravestone of George Johnson who was 
unjustly hanged in Arizona.



So Mother's Day is coming up soon.
 You gonna get her something nice -
 from the gas station at the last minute?
You can do that. Wait 'til the very last minute and get her
some cheap-ass chinese made bulshit at the gas station, OR - you can 
get her something nice. Something hand-made with care by my wife. 
For basically just a couple bucks more. Wuddya think? 

Mother's Day will be here in less than three weeks.
Need a gift idea for her? How about this... 

Click on the picture above for information on this specific item.
 You can find something nice for your Mom, your wife, 
your daughter or your girlfriend right here: 


There's an argument you don't hear every day. They're bitching because 
the film makers made her 'too black'. Go figure, huh?



Freshwater snails? Really?


Get past the content of the ad. I usta do shit like this for a living - making 
the ads I mean. See that perfectly manicured hand holding the pill? That guy is a hand model, who probably makes $ 300.00 or more an hour for a shoot like this. 
I knew a couple of them back in the day. They were truly, aboslutely creepy fickin' people. Always wore gloves - even to bed. No bar soap - only creamy shit. Lotion and files and nail clippers and sandpaper ferfucksake. Genuinely weird folks, them people. Juss' sayin'...



1 comment:

  1. Mayor of NYC bitches about illegals, but he sent his best boy to DC last week to beg for some more of that sweet sweet Federal money.
