Wednesday, April 19, 2023



She was one very handsome woman...


  1. now I know I never watch a lot of tv or even went to the movies, but who is Lara ?
    really, I don't know. these days going shopping and looking at all of the papers/rags by the check out, I am amazed at all of the people on the covers that I have no idea who they are. never really had time for it all.
    single parent for 15 years and then working until I retired.

  2. I especially liked her in "Heaven Can Wait".

  3. I thought Julie was beautiful, a rough girl next door beautiful, but still beautiful. She was radiant in Dr Zhivago.

  4. Surely if you'would have seen Dr. Zhivago, you would never forget Lara. Her best and finest role ever.


I'm not here, but what's his name is...