Sunday, April 16, 2023

Fat folks have rights, too. But free seats on a plane? Please...

Plus-Sized Influencer Tells Airlines to Give 
Obese Flyers Free Seats - In a petition that has since garnered over 4,000 signatures with a goal of 5,000, the Vancouver-based influencer called upon the Federal Aviation Authority  (FAA) to end “discrimination and discomfort” for obese passengers.
“Being forced to occupy only one seat can result in pain and vulnerability to poor treatment from fellow passengers, including hateful comments, disapproving looks, and even refusal to sit next to them,” she wrote. “This mistreatment of plus-size passengers is unacceptable, and it highlights the urgent need for better policies that protect the dignity and rights of all passengers, regardless of size.”

“Unfortunately, plus-size passengers often experience discomfort and discrimination when flying. The lack of a uniform customer-of-size airline policy is unacceptable and must be addressed.” 
Chaney then recommended that the FAA “require all airlines to implement a clear customer-of-size policy that prioritizes the comfort and well-being of all passengers.” This would also include clear guidelines of accommodation for obese passengers such as “larger seats, seat belt extenders, and alternative seating arrangements.”

Depending on the passenger’s size, Chaney recommended that the airlines provide an extra free seat or “even two or three seats.” Should a plus-sized passenger purchase two seats independently, Chaney further demanded that the airline reimburse them through a “straightforward process that can be accessed online or through customer service.”


  1. used to do MRI. inside of every fat person is a skinny wanting to get out. some days I got so bored I used to measure just how fat some of them where. it is almost like body armor too. had one fat guy come in to the ER
    shot by a shotgun. the pellets never got close to any vital organ. he had 2 or more inches of fat.
    don't care much for fat people.

  2. Grossly obese people (sadly) consider themselves as "victims" and the snowflakes on the LEFT support them. God save our once-great nation!!!

    1. So give 'em more seats, but charge 'em FedEx Priority Overnight freight rates.

    2. I'm pretty much built like a manatee and yes, airline seats are uncomfortable (I do still fit into one seat, no seatbelt extender necessary). I never once imagined that this was anyone's problem but mine. I try to get an aisle seat so that I don't have to squeeze past anyone to get to the restroom. When this is not possible, I just stay in my seat uncomfortably until we are on the ground again. No one should bear the burden of my obesity but me.

  3. Please don't EVER charger per IQ point: democrats would fly free.

  4. Be thankful they don't put everyone and their luggage on the scale and charge by the pound.

  5. Too easy. Air Freight.

  6. Hi Joe!!!,
    As an "OLD!!" Skydiver I have to say... I am not amused!! Some of these people showed up at the Dropzone on Saturday morning wanting to be in the "First Jump Class!!!" As The Late Frank Gallop would say in his Throaty, Baritone Voice!!!!..... "REALLY!!!!!!"...
    Oh, they sat thru the classroom part of the training but the "FUN" part was the "PLF!!",,(Parachute Landing Fall" training..... how to "Land!!" your chute in extra ordinary circumstances!! .. the jump landing training platform was only 4 feet high!! .... 350 lbs. of protoplasm just the exact opposite of "solid steel and sex appeal" made a "CRATER!!!" in the soft target area!!!
    Needless to say they got their refund and went on their merry way...

  7. What needs to happen is to make accommodations for these fatties in the cargo section of the plane, where they can have all the room they need....

    1. Good one... only those obese "victims" will want to fly in the 1st Class cabin because it's their "right" to do so.

  8. I am not small but years ago I went on a business trip from the west coast to Denver. At Denver I changed to a flight into Kansas City and was next to a woman that was easily 400 pounds and had me scrunched up for the flight as there was no other seats free. I was lucky Denver to KC is short.


'Tis herself...