Thursday, April 27, 2023

Bad news for everybody who's into 'going down'...

 Okay, okay - bad opening line and even worse pun aside, how often would I ever get to lead with an item like this? So there...  
THE UK and other countries have seen an 'epidemic' of throat cancer cases over the past two decades - and experts have now linked the rise to oral sex. Scientists there say there's been a rapid increase in a specific type of throat cancer called oropharyngeal cancer.
This affects the back of the throat and the tonsil area and is mainly caused by the the human papillomavirus (HPV). HPV is sexually transmitted but - because it doesn't tend to cause symptoms or problems - most people don't even know they have it. This group of viruses is also the principal cause of cervical cancer.
But Hisham Mehanna - a professor at the Institute of Cancer and Genomic Sciences, University of Birmingham - said that oropharyngeal cancer has now become more common than cervical cancer in the UK and the US.


It really wouldn't hurt us to see more shit like this - 
and a lot less politics - in the news, ya know...

From banks to barber shops to burger joints, the U.S. economy is showing signs of stress as shoppers dial back their spending and anxious lenders keep a tight grip on credit. A report from the Commerce Department to be released on today is expected to show slower economic growth during the first three months of the year than in the previous quarter.
And the economy is projected to lose more steam in the months to come, as rising prices and higher interest rates take a toll on families and businesses. "Our base expectation is for a mild recession in the U.S.," McDonald's CEO Chris Kempczinski said this week. Although the fast-food chain reported strong sales so far in 2023, customers are less likely to splurge after two years of rising food costs.

It's pretty simple why shit's slowing down. I stopped at a McD's near me last week just to grab a burger real quick while I was heading to a jobsite. Regular, standard, nothing fancy lame-ass fuckin' cheeseburger. $ 2.13. Yeah - the same one that cost 99 cents a year ago.


Banana docks, New York, ca. 1890. Colorized by some professional somewhere who probably gets paid a lot of money to do this kinda shit. So, I took this colorized print and changed the color scale to black and white, so it came out like this:
And I colorized it myself using the wesite that Bunk the Strutster told me about and it came out like this:
Not too friggin' shabby, huh?


The episode that finally got the 60's TV series 'Mr. Ed' cancelled.


So Mother's Day is coming, right?
 You gonna get her something nice -
 from the gas station - at the last minute?

You can do that. Wait 'til the very last minute and get hersome cheap-ass chinese-made 
bullshit at the gas station, OR - you can get her something nice. Something hand-made 
with care by my wife. For basically just a couple bucks more. Wuddya think? 

Mother's Day will be here in less than three weeks.
Need a gift idea for her? How about this... 

Click on the picture above for information on this specific item.
 You can find something nice for your Mom, your wife, 
your daughter or your girlfriend right here: 

He's a real family guy, a native Floridian, a great speaker, a former Navy Seal, he was a great Congressman and now he's been a great Governor for my new home state. He appears to be just a very nice, likeable guy and I think he'd make a great President.
And I'm now starting think that maybe I wish he wouldn't run. Not this time - not if he has to go up against Trump. I don't like that matchup. 
And I'll say one more thing about Trump right now. If he does get the nod, he better start learning how to only talk about policy, because all the other shit he spews is gonna crush any chance of winning in 2024 he may have. They elected this jerkoff because they hated him that much. Think he'll learn from that? I don't think so, but that's just me. I might consider this option if DJT stops talking shit about him:

Twelve years of peace and prosperity (which, being 70, would probably be just about my last on this planet) wouldn't suck at all. If the powers that be could get their shit together, and if somebody'd wise-up The Donster, this might well be an unstoppable ticket. Juss' sayin'...

They wear outfits designed to make our
jaws drop, and then bitch when they do.
I think it's in their DNA or something...


A manhole cover in Weisbaden, Germany. 
It's pretty cool when people think just a 
little bit outside the box, don'tcha think?


It's what's for breakfast - Tater Tot Waffles.





  1. If Trump and DeSantis both run for pres in 2024. It will split the conservative vote and Biden or who ever the democraps support will win. If this happens they (Trump, DeSantis, Biden, Republican & Democratic Parties) were all in it together. I hope and prey I am proved wrong....

  2. The two party oligarchy (I refuse to call it a was never formally created by anything other than momentum) ensures that everyone is screwed when they go to vote. The horrors of one party ensure that the other party can always run their own turd and be assured that the vote totals will always remain nearly the same. THAT is why no matter which criminal major party is in power, freedom declines and government power increases. Until people wake up to the two party oligarchy and how we are all being played, nothing will ever change.

  3. I thought your color rendition of the people at the center of the photo to be better, but the wagon wheel and upright pipes to be off and jarring.
