Monday, April 17, 2023

As if 'The Boss' isn't annoying enough...

Let's just all blow a little more smoke up his ass while we're at it. Bruce Springsteen is getting his own holiday in his native state of New Jersey. 
New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy (D) made the announcement on Saturday, saying in a social media post that September 23, the birthday of the legendary artist, will be known as “Bruce Springsteen Day.” 
September 23 used to be 'Johann Gottfried Galle' Day. I guess that's out the window now.


  1. "The Boss" can kiss my ass. In the 80's he was a hero of mine. After he sided with Nobama, he became a turd.

  2. Could his head get any bigger?


  3. What else has NJ got? I burned down 10 acres of Ft Dix with a parachute flare one night and no one even cared.
