Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Alligators aren't the only thing we have to worry about down here in Florida...

(Multiple sources) -Jeff Bush, 37, was sucked into the sinkhole while he slept in his family home in Seffner and when his brother, Jeremy, jumped in the hole to try to save him, he was nowhere to be seen.
Footage taken by a contractor who examined the hole shortly before the home was demolished has now been released by the county, and shows that every piece of furniture has vanished. Most bizarre is how the ground has completely given way - revealing the brown dirt beneath - yet hats, high-visibility jackets and shelves remain on the wall above where Bush's bed once was.
A day after the accident, authorities stopped their search for Bush as tests showed no sign of life in the hole. The house has now been torn down and the family hopes to set up a memorial at the site.

Neighbours left their properties and the county has said that the houses on each side of the sinkhole house will have to be condemned, Fox News reported.


  1. Talk about your number being up...

  2. And he walked with satan, and satan took him.

  3. Drat, at first read I thought it said Jeb Bush.


    1. I too was hoping, but I'm doomed to eternal disappointment.

  4. Spooky pic is spooky. Why does guy have his crotch wired to a tree?
