Wednesday, March 15, 2023

We all know little Greta is a fraud and a belligerent, cocky little phony, and now she's proven it herself...

'Oops - I must have been high when I twitted that!' 
'Environmental activist' and all-around pain-in-the-ass Greta Thunberg has deleted a 2018 tweet saying that climate change would 'wipe out humanity' unless the world ceased using fossil fuels by 2023. The Swedish campaigner had tweeted an article by detailing Harvard University professor James Anderson's warning that humanity would cease to exist if use of fossil fuels was not stopped within five years. 

Thunberg's now erased post stated: 'A top climate scientist is warning that climate change will wipe out all of humanity unless we stop using fossil fuels over the next five years.' 
Read the story here:
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  1. back in the 1970's my dad thought all of this climate crap was just a stupid scam. he used to say, it is called weather you morons. navy man, went damn all of WW2 and then got called back for Korea games.
    he had a navy cross for doing "something really stupid" and a bunch of battle stars.
    they buried him in Arlington with honors and even put mom up in the Wainwright house for the night.
    he said the very idea that man can control the weather is stupid. and then he told ma about the typhon of 44.
    he had a picture of a ship on a wave. with both the front and the back/end out the water. last time I saw it it was hanging on my brothers wall. why anyone would even listen to that stupid little girl is beyond me.
    and he said that ship was over 500 feet long too.

  2. She needs a deletion.


How many times have I heard this?