Wednesday, March 8, 2023

The 'usual suspects' are at it again - this time in NYC... - A 'wolfpack' of teenage vandals ripped a Chinese restaurant in New York apart on Saturday night, leaving around $20,000 in damage, with staff saying they are increasingly unsafe as crime continues to plague the city. Shocking footage shows over a dozen masked youths on a rampage through Fish Village restaurant in Queens shortly after 8.15pm as diners were eating their dinner. The mob, who are all unidentifiable in masks and hooded tops, cause utter destruction as they flip tables and chairs. 

The senseless destruction also saw plates smashed and a large window damaged. Staff at the 127th Street restaurant look visibly shaken in the video, and while no one was physically injured, they are worried about their safety.


  1. That seen could've been taken at any Dem controlled big city in the US. That shows you what goes on when there are no consequences for criminal actions anymore i

    1. Shows an obvious need for more gun control for the rest of us.

  2. Just remembering that this city outlawed the phrase "Illegal alien" and enforced codes against certain sized soft drinks and too many other affronts to liberty to list here. I have been enjoying watching the evidence of their self inflicted death throes, they handsomely deserve it.

  3. Any chance that the "suspects" were US citizens and members of the downtrodden minority commonly associated with this type activity? Just going by proven statistics when I jump to this conclusion.

  4. There was a time when all they did was go down to boo town and pick up some of the usual suspects....


Calvin just won't give in...