Monday, March 27, 2023

It doesn't seem so unrealistic, does it?

Fom - The Republican takeover of the House shifted congressional oversight of the border, with GOP lawmakers using their new powers in efforts to link the fentanyl crisis to migration. In recent weeks the drug has been a fixture of GOP hearings, with House Homeland Security Chair Mark Green (R-Tenn.) claiming “backpacks full of fentanyl [are] pouring into our country” while border officers are stretched thin in responding to migrants. 
But statistics around fentanyl paint another picture, one in which American citizens (?) are trafficking the drug to meet U.S. demand, with 90 percent of fentanyl captured as it is driven into the country through border crossing checkpoints. 
So here's where the question comes in. If 90% of all of the Fentanyl captured is at the border, how can you make any other argument but that the border IS the problem? The way some media outlets twist shit is the reason why so many people ae fucked up in their heads about almost everything. Juss' sayin...

And sometimes they say shit in such a convoluted way that you honest 
to god don't know who's the killer and who's the stiff. Case in point...


Way back when  Archie and the gang took a stand 
against the war in VietNam...

Did you know that Archie got drafted back in the day?
 Everything’s Archie #16, dated October 1971.

And it remains my opinion that Layla is almost unquestionably 
the best forlorned, unrequited love song ever written, possibly 
(a big maybe) only surpassed by this:


That's comforting to hear after knowing Covid 
came from a lab, huh?


The wife is out of town for a coupla days, so how 
do I celebrate my new bachelorness? I make myself 
a sicilian. Who lives better than me?


Do you have a special occasion of some kind like 
a birthday, an anniversary or some other 
event worth celebrating coming up? 

Click on the picture above for information on this bracelet.  
It's only $ 18.00 with free shipping.  
You can find something nice for your Mom, your wife, 
your daughter or your girlfriend right here: 

Are you a 'climate change denier'? I think I might be the president of that club. If I had a buck for every jerkoff - from Al Gore to that whiny little fuckwad from Sweden or whereverthefuck, I'd have enough dough to buy myself beers that'd last me until the world explodes or everybody dies or whateverthefuck these juggheads think is gonna happen' Juss' sayin'...

It seems most of the really good ideas have storylines 
that begin in the City by the Bay...
The rise of drag queen storytime can be traced back to the San Francisco Bay Area — long a haven for queer folk — where a Market Street bookstore hosted what it billed as “America’s first drag queen storytime” a decade ago. It looked a lot like the drag story hours held around the country today, and completely unlike the fantastical, sexualized vision pushed by the political right: just a colorful queen in a sky-high hat reading to a bunch of kids.

Here's what we're capable of if somebody fucks with us. 
Or at least what we usta be capable of...

The ruins of Saint-Lo in August of 1944. The town was almost totally destroyed by 2,000 Allied bombers when they attacked German troops stationed there during Operation Overlord Normandy in June, 1944. 5,000 American lives were lost in this one 12 day seige immediately after D-Day.

And, now That I've mentioned the Blue Eyed Devil, here's him and Ella. So much talent on that stage it's scary.


This was in an ad. That's all.

About 17,000 tons (That's over three million pounds) of parmesan cheese are stacked high in the vaults of Credito Emiliano, an Italian bank that accepts the cheese as warranty for loans. Back in 2016, An Italian dairy cooperative  sold bonds backed by Parmesan cheese. 
Those crazy cheese loving Italians...



  1. If you aren't seditious these days, you aren't a good American.

  2. For the last 40 years they figured they caught 10% of the smuggled drugs & now they are catching 90%?

  3. save me a piece, willya - uh! y' not using that new insect flour from Europe, r' y'?

  4. So you saying the plastic surgeon took a page out of "Silence of the Lambs"?

    And the bank gets stuck with the maintenance of the cheese while it's being aged for market. Well played, cheesemaker; well played.

  5. Only 15 in North America? And I live less than a half mile from Yerkes National Primate Research Center. Yerkes is where Emory infects monkeys with various diseases and experiments on them.


If she represents the core value of their party, they may not be back in the White House for quite a while...

The poll, conducted March 6-9 among approximately 500 Democrats and Democrat-leaning independents, resulted in the far-left congresswoman co...