Tuesday, March 14, 2023

I said 'Whippit - whippit good...'

NY Post -A neurologist has declared nitrous oxide is “more dangerous than cocaine” amid a dramatic uptick in young people experimenting with the drug. Nitrous oxide — commonly referred to as “laughing gas,” “Whippits” and “hippy crack” — is legally sold in single-use silver “cracker” canisters, dispensed into balloons and inhaled to create a temporary feeling of relaxation and euphoria.
While the substance has long been used recreationally, “huffing” experimentation rates among those 16 to 24 years old have soared post-pandemic. “I’ve been a neurologist for 21 years and have seen a definite change in how it’s being used, since the pandemic,” UK-based Dr. David Nicholl declared in an interview with South West News Service.

Shit - we were doing whippits back when I was in high school. They are a pretty good buzz, but man, what a fuckin' headache you got when you were coming down offa it. 
They're the national buzzmakers of Fuckthatistan...

1 comment:

  1. All those kids being indoctrinated in college, learning how bad everything and everyone is. May as well get an artificial high now before Orange Man Bad makes everything worse.


I'm not here, but...