Tuesday, March 7, 2023

How's that whole woke 'defund the police' thing working for you Portland? Jeez, these friggin' people...

NewYorkPost.com - Walmart will close its last two stores in crime-plagued Portland, Ore., as the city contends with a relentless wave of shoplifting that has hammered retailers. The closures, set for March 24, come months after CEO Doug McMillon warned the discount retailer was seeing a spike in “shrink” - a term the retail industry uses to address losses related to in-store theft or fraud.
“Theft is an issue. It’s higher than what it has historically been,” McMillon said during an appearance on CNBC’s “Squawk Box” in December. “I think local law enforcement being staffed and being a good partner is part of that equation. … If that’s not corrected over time, prices will be higher, and/or stores will close.” The company did not say whether retail theft was a factor in shuttering the Walmart locations in the North and Southeastern sections of the Rose City.


  1. Portland is a scum magnet full of fools. The local MSM, all government agencies, the Law, and education are all in bed together. Portland cannot be fixed. There are no checks and balances. Portland is beyond the point of no-return. If you haven't seen Portland in 20 years, go thru at night so you don't have to see how the democrat party has destroyed a once beautiful city.

  2. You can expect the democrats now to give free EV's to their thugs to soften the pain for having to go travel to loot.

  3. Screw 'em!! Let the shoplifters starve. It's a far better fate than what they actually deserve.


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