Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Have a dog and tired of walking around with a bag of shit in your hand? We have a solution for you...




  1. Wow I can really use one of those. I'd wait until it got on top of the right house and then shoot it with my air rifle

    1. Or Biden can have it shot down with a $300,000 missile.

  2. Works as well as "the solution to pollution is dilution."

  3. why are we walking around picking up after our dog(s)? Some Karen doesn't like doggiepoo in the street; she might step in it? wonder how she cleaned up her infant; no wonder there are so many nut jobs walking around todday!

  4. The virtuous dog cleanup set pretty much do this now. They take the time to bag the shit and leave it on the hiking trail to be picked up on the way back. Trouble is they always seem to forget to pick it up when they walk right by it returning to their car. So now you have a discarded plastic bag, which is the embodiment of evil if it were full of groceries, left in the woods.


Now THERE is a fight I'da paid big money to see...

  Biden suggested Friday he would have liked to fight former President Donald Trump when they were children, echoing similar rhetoric he has...