Monday, March 6, 2023

Florida Man meets Florida Gator - at his front door...

It sure as fuck wasn' the Fuller Brush Man -  A man from Florida found himself shocked and bleeding after a nine-foot alligator lunged for him on his doorstep on Saturday. Scott Hollingsworth said he opened the front door to his home on Champions Drive in Daytona Beach around 9:40pm on Saturday night after hearing a noise outside. As he did, he found 'something grabbed me on the leg and started shaking violently,' which he assumed was a dog.
After getting a better look, he realized he had been attacked by a huge gator, which he guessed was about 'six feet or seven feet'. He stepped back inside and shut the door to find a huge gash down the side of his leg, serious enough to take him to hospital where he had surgery. 

Wildlife officials said the alligator, later reported to be nine feet, was eventually euthanized.


  1. Too bad the gator was euthanized. I would have like to have seen him sent to the doors of the people who were upset that a gator was euthanized on Live PD.

  2. All you yankees considering coming here, take this post to's dangerous down here.....and us rednecks are fk'n crazy.....there's poisonous snakes, and's hotter than hell, it rains a lot, and don't forget about those hurricanes.....and, I can't emphasize this enough, we are not leftists down here.....we still believe in personal responsibility and individual'd be better off to just stay where you are, and keep your fucking politics with you as well....we don't want you here....

  3. It is very humid and HOT. Was there in Orlando, in 1970 August to November. Never cooled off.
    So, who is the person below in the bed?


I'm not here, but Calvin is...