Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Can't beat 'em? Cancel 'em. Brilliant...

This is how we say 'Fuck you and the horse you rode in on' in Florida: 
A Republican bill seeks to wipe out the Florida Democratic Party, following the filing of SB 1248 “The Ultimate Cancel Act” on Tuesday. If passed, the bill would de-certify any political party and its affiliates, that previously advocated for slavery on their party’s platform.
The legislation was proposed by State Sen. Blaise Ingoglia, R-Spring Hill. Ingoglia’s office announced the filing in a press release, where they also made claims that the Democrat Party adopted “pro-slavery” positions into their platforms during the conventions of 1840, 1844, 1856, 1860, and 1864.
Florida currently has 4.8 million registered Democratic voters, according to the state’s division of elections. If passed, the act would also force such voters to register under “no-party affiliation.”

Ingoglia’s proposal bill comes as a direct response to “leftist activists and their attempts to cancel people and companies.”

St. Patrick's Day is 2 weeks away.
Need to find a nice little gift for 
that special Irish gal in your life?

Click on the picture above for information on these earrings
They're only $18.00 with free shipping.  You can find something nice for 
your Mom, your wife, your daughter or your girlfriend right here: 


  1. Say, ...

    Weren't a lot of us warning the extreme Left, including the Democrat Party, that they wouldn't like living under the rules they were making?

  2. This state Senator is a genius. The Left is trying hard to erase our history and hold our ancestor's to today's insane standards. Like the University of Richmond removing TC William's name from the law school he endowed. This guy is turning that on it's ear by banning the whole party because of their ties to slavery. Wish I had thought of that but I am glad he did because he can actually get some traction out of it. Especially if De Santis signs it into law.

  3. "Make your enemy live up to their own rules."
    I LOVE it!

  4. Fuckin' A Bubba....I totally agree and I hope this is picked up at the federal level...of course, it would only be symbolic because the idiots in this country decided to put the socialists in charge in DC, but what the hell...


Sometimes I think I'm stupid, but most of time I'm positive about it...

I hate to admit that I actually had to ask my wife what the gag or message was in this cartoon. I kept looking at the guy looking out the do...