Saturday, February 25, 2023

Why have young men stopped having romantic relationships? Ask Ted...

According to an article in The Guardian, Sex, between at least two people, not including animals (stuffed or real), is going out of fashion. Young people aren’t doing the nasty much any more, a phenomenon that has been widely blamed on technology and online porn

And it’s not just sexual activity that’s declining – young men in the US appear to have fallen out of love with romantic relationships. A recent Pew Research study has found that 63% of men under 30 describe themselves as single, compared with 34% of women in the same age bracket. Cue a lot of dramatic headlines about, as the Hill put it, the “larger breakdown in the social, romantic and sexual life of the American male”. 
I imagine the Hill is referring to the 'heterosexual American male' here, but Pew also looked at people who identify as LGB and found 62% of LGB men report being single compared to 37% of LGB women.


  1. A vast majority of modern western women are unsuitable as friends, significant other, or marriage partner of any man. Their interests and attitudes make them more threat than asset to a man's life. The few attributes they have that are not, are generally inherently useless. Men can stand to be a little lonely, once they understand what a relationship with these women could cost them. If a young man were considering getting married today, remember that a prenuptial agreement is your friend.

  2. maybe just maybe men just dont want to be lectured

  3. My wife, the mother of two sons, puts it this way. "Today's young women aren't worth the headache. They're selfish, self-absorbed and simply don't care how much they hurt the guys as long as they get treated like royalty." I think she's onto something here.


Name dis Dame also, wudjuz?

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