Thursday, February 23, 2023

They never got around to making one, did they?



  1. There have been amphibious cars ever since WWII, the Seep (Sea Jeep) for example. But it couldn't handle rough water well enough to even cross a major river safely, and I don't know of any amphibian much smaller than the Deuce-and-a-Half that was really practical in both roles.

    There are car/airplane hybrids, but those are even less practical. Taking off and landing a small plane on a highway is only safe if someone will block traffic for you, so you can only fly to the closest airport, and then you're driving a small car burdened with a big load of wings and tail. It's more practical and no more expensive to fly a Cessna and rent a car. A roadable helicopter might make more sense, but helicopters cost a lot in fuel and maintenance. If you're rich enough to go everywhere by helicopter, you're rich enough to have someone meet you with a limo whenever the helicopter can't land close enough. What's really needed is something that can take off and land straight up without the rotor downwash and clearances needed for a helicopter - but that's antigravity, and we don't even have a theory for that.

    As for doing all three, you'd wind up with a mess that failed in all three modes.

