Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Nazis in Madison Square Garden? Really?

Prior to WWII American Nazis held mass rallies 
in Madison Square Garden.

Here's a story from The Guardian about these guys. Bear in mind 
The Guardian is a leftie news site, but the article is still informative:


  1. There were a significant number of American Nazi sympathizers in the 1930's. Henry Ford and Charles Lindbergh were both considered in that camp. I suspect many were just non-interventionist/isolationist and didn't want to mire the nation in another European world war. But some probably admired the "efficiency" of the Hitlers, Mussolinis, and Stalins . Remember that the Communists and the National Socialists were allies and had treaties right up until Hitler attacked the Russians. Forced a lot of American Communists to get whiplash changing their opinions about Hitler overnight. Add to that eugenics was considered valid science back in the 1920's with Margaret Sanger and Planned Parenthood. Natural allies.

    1. I also read that John Kennedy made an official visit for his father to Germany in the 30's as a young man.....his report back was how impressed he was with the cleanliness and beauty of the place, and of how much he admired Hitler and his government....though google has nothing on this, I read it years ago, and my age limited memory doesn't permit me to recall where....

    2. FDR was also pretty impressed with Mussolini and Hitler - right up until Hitler started sending "liberals" to concentration camps. Then he never realized that Stalin was murdering even more people... (This is not to say that making war on Nazi Germany was a mistake. Hitler was a blunt instrument who tried to take over the world by outright military action, and he could only be stopped by military action. Stalin's threat required more subtle tactics.)

      Fascism and Communism are just two flavors of socialism - and the other flavors will devolve to one or the other of them.


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