Tuesday, February 21, 2023

If there is going to be a World War...

 It'll most likely happen in the next two years, 
before a new President takes office... 
Predators recognize weakness when they see it, 
and that's when they attack.   
Putin said “it’s impossible to defeat Russia on the battlefield” and blamed the West for “starting” the war in Ukraine as he delivered a major speech last night. Addressing both houses of parliament during the state of the nation address, Mr Putin said: “I would like to repeat they started the war, and we used force in order to stop it.” Ukraine and the West have called the invasion, which Russia said was needed to demilitarise its smaller neighbor, unprovoked.
You and I and hopefully most of our leaders and representatives understand that ole' Vlad's about five clubs short of a full deck. That's what makes him so dangerous. He believes his own bullshit, the same way that Hitler and Mussolini and Tojo did. We are living in dangerous times, my friends.


How about ya just bought it and stuck it in your 
Uncle Louie's garage. Wuddya think it'd fetch in today's 
market with only 14 miles on it and all original?

One of our readers wants to know why, if the media insists 
on paying so much attention to balloons, it didn't do an in-depth 
study of this one? Wish I had an answer for ya, Scott...


A 10-foot-long alligator killed an old woman in Florida as she tried to rescue her dog from the clutches of the reptile. The 85-year-old woman died while walking her dog at the Spanish Lakes Fairways community in Fort Pierce, Florida, at 12.07pm. 
The gator had grabbed the woman’s dog initially, but went on to target her after she tried to save her pet. The pet dog sustained some injuries. Its current condition is not known. The woman’s body was later recovered. Her name has not been disclosed.
According to witnesses, the gator had lunged out of the water to attack them. Trappers found the alligator lurking at the bottom of the lake and pulled it out. It was taken away in a truck.

Manhattan in 1851 and today


The “green-friendly” investment firm co-founded and run by former Vice President Al Gore owns a portfolio of more than $26 billion worth of shares in nearly two dozen companies that were found to have increased greenhouse gas emissions in recent years.

When it first appeared in the comic book like 
30 years ago, nobody'd thought nothing about this, 
but if it came to light nowadays, everybody and their fuckin'
 sisters would be screamin' 'racist' and other bullshit. 
Crazy world, am I right?


Does someone you know deserve
something a little 'special'?
This may be just the thing for her...

Click on the picture above for information on these earings. 
They're only $20.00 and that includes free shipping!
You can find something nice for your Mom, your wife, 
your daughter or your girlfriend right here: 


Speakin' of dogs, the Russian lady with the hot dog truck up by the Home Depot in Neptune, NJ maybe had the best hot dogs I've ever had. I wonder if she's still up there. Anybody know? Beuller? Beuller...

Circa 1973, Barbara Clack skis on human water skis - Joker Osborn 
and Ken White, champion skiers at Cypress Gardens, Florida.



So what's the question?


I'll leave you this morning with a simple (or maybe not-so simple) question. Why the fuck would anyone piss away 60+G's for something this stupid? The only answer I could come up with is they probably have a small dick and wanna prove they have too much money.



  1. Watching those three get up on skis must have been interesting.

  2. When Vladimir Vladimirovich claims the West started the war, I keep thinking back to Roosevelt and Japam; keep poking the Russian bear in the eye enough times, don't be surprised when it comes after you.

  3. "You and I and hopefully most of our leaders and representatives understand that ole' Vlad's about five clubs short of a full deck. That's what makes him so dangerous. He believes his own bullshit, the same way that Hitler and Mussolini and Tojo did. We are living in dangerous times, my friends." Wrong! Vlad is the only sane leader on the planet.

    1. If you're gonna make a stupid statement like that, why do it anonymously?

  4. I will personally volunteer to do free research on balloons

    1. So ya figured out how to comment, huh? Such a grown-up boy you are...


I still have more 'Archie out of context'...

...     Have a birthday or anniversary coming up? Here's a nice idea for a simple gift that she'd really appreciate...        Click ...