Thursday, January 5, 2023

What kind of dog and pony show will this be?

Biden said Wednesday that he is planning to visit the U.S.-Mexico border during a North American leader's summit in Mexico City next month. This would mark Biden's first visit to the southern border during his presidency.
Speaking to reporters aboard Air Force One during a trip to Kentucky, Biden was asked if he was planning to head to the border during the summit. "That's my intention, we're working out the details now," the president replied. Following his return to the White House, Biden added that he wanted to "see what's going on" at the nation's southern border. 

Biden also said that he is planning to make additional remarks about his border policy this coming Thursday. 
He has a border policy? Seriously? I wonder what it could be.


  1. It's January after an election, his addled brain thinks this is his first week as President and believes he's really on top of things.

  2. 'Visiting' from 30,000 foot in his we-dont-cause-glowbull-worming 747.

  3. Most clueless man alive. He was like this in the late 70's when he first came to political prominence. Best in class my ass.

  4. "He has a border policy? Seriously? I wonder what it could be."
    President Joseph R. Biden: "Border? What border? What, me worry?"

  5. Please! Joseph R. Biden is going for 1st Prize: worst POTUS in 2+ centuries; not even even a close contest with the runner-up, BHO.
