Sunday, January 1, 2023

Voices of reason are sometimes hard to hear these days. Thankfully, this appeals court has been heard loud and clear...

The Eleventh U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals voted on Friday to uphold a Florida school-board policy requiring students to use the bathroom of their biological sex. In a vote that was perfectly split down party lines, seven Republican justices ruled that the St. Johns County School Board transgender bathroom ban was constitutional, while the remaining four Democratic justices all dissented.
“A policy can lawfully classify on the basis of biological sex without unlawfully discriminating on the basis of transgender status,” the Trump-appointed judge Barbara Lagoa wrote for the majority.
Andrew Adams, a biological woman who identifies as a man, sued Allen D. Neese High School in 2017 for insisting she use gender-neutral or women’s washrooms only. In 2020, an appeals court panel ruled in favor of Adams before it was reviewed by the full appeals court.

Judge Jill Pryor, appointed by Barack Obama - of course, noted in her dissenting opinion that, 
“The bathroom policy categorically deprives transgender students of a benefit that is categorically provided to all cisgender students - the option to use the restroom matching one’s gender identity.”
Who even uses words like that? 
WTF, dude (or dudette)...

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1 comment:

  1. The cisgender definition looks the same as normal....


At some point, somebody's gotta hold Fauci's feet to the fire, don'tcha think?

The confirmation is welcomed but the news is not new, as taxpayer watchdog White Coat Waste Project (WCW) has continued to bring these reali...