Monday, January 9, 2023

This is my kinda guy...

The story is from 2019, but I think it's friggin' brilliant. I've said time and again if I ever do win some kinda crazy Mega or Powerball thing, the first thing I'd do is hire a good lawyer to change my name legally. 
I think he and I should have a coupla beers together on a beach some day. That is so fuckin' awesome. I love it...
You can find the full story here:


  1. Not every state requires your identity to be disclosed if you win the lottery. Some do, some don't.

  2. When I was stationed in Biloxi MS a guy from Chicago bought 10 lottery tickets. He left them at his mother's tucked into the frame of the mirror of his old dresser in his bedroom. He and another person hit the numbers. He didn't find out till he went home at Christmas. He had his mother sell everything and change her name and he set her up somewhere else. He shows back up to the Air Force base and told the First Sargent he won the lottery. The AF kicked him out as there was some rule about winning a 7 digit or higher lottery. He went through the traditional 4 week "re-acclimate to civilian life" where he legally changed his name on his last day in the service and had the records sealed. It was a party almost every day in the courtyard. It was rumored that after taxes he cleared $11 million. He told us his plan was to go on cruises all over the world for at least 6 months and then to become a professional student at a university.


Those of you who celebrate?

...     It seems some kinda snail darter or other semi-useless bug, bird, fish or worm needed  to be protected. Or at least that's the w...