Monday, January 23, 2023

This 'I'm offended by everything' shit has just gone too far. Now Aretha Franklin is offensive... - Released as a single by the Queen of Soul back in 1967, the stirring love ballad is now facing scrutiny - despite preaching positive messages in regards to women and femininity in general. Leading the charge to have the song nixed is the Norway-based Trans Cultural Mindfulness Alliance (TCMA), a group that started formed earlier this year and has since made its presence known with a series of polarizing posts on social media. Statements made by the organization - which seeks to open a chapter 'in each European country and North America' - have since spawned outrage, including its January 20 request to pull Franklin's song from platforms like Spotify & Apple Music.

You can find a full article on the NY Post here:

1 comment:

  1. Trannies outraged that song isn't about them.
    How vain can they get.
    Carly Simon


The sad reality of what our elections and politics in general have become? I think this kinda nails it..

Sean Hannity had a guest caller on yesterday afternoon who was a beacon of truth  and he had an insight that I haven't heard. The caller...