Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Reason number 47 why we should never listen to whiners and crybabies...

A Twitter account claiming to be run by trans activists has claimed their tweet criticizing Aretha Franklin's song 'Natural Woman' for being 'offensive to trans women' was nothing more than 'satire'.
The account, which calls itself 'The Trans Cultural Mindfulness Alliance', had criticized the 1967 song for being offensive and demanded that it be removed from both Apple and Spotify - despite it preaching positive messages regarding women.

But the account, claiming to be founded 'exclusively by trans individuals', rowed back on those tweets and claimed they are a parody account in a tweet and changed their bio - despite defiantly insisting they were a genuine group. 'This is satirical', a person who runs the Twitter account said.

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1 comment:

  1. There's no backpedling like Leftists backpedaling when their "woke" BS runs into the buzzsaw of public opinion.


And what are they drinking in your state?

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