Thursday, January 5, 2023

Let's get something straight before we do anything else, okay?

You've seen this banner before, and it's as true today as it was for me 40 years ago. I absolutely fuckin' hate politics. And politicians (well, most of 'em anyway).
It's always been my mantra that anyone who wants the job shouldn't have it simply because they want it.
Look at the shit show we've seen just in the last couple of years. I know Trump was no saint, but so many people hated the guy's personality, they were willing to forget what a good policy guy he is or was and they voted in Joe Biden just as a 'fuck you' to Trump people. That's just plain friggin' nuts and you know it.
Anyway, here's my bigger point - I don't willingly or consciously promote any one politician over another as much as I like to make fun of people who rub me the wrong way. I have no skin in the game. Who I vote for - if I vote - is my business and mine alone.
I don't do this blog to promote any agendas - never knowingly have and never hopefully will. Like who you want, vote for who you want - that's on you, not me. I do this for the only reason that I find shit in my daily life - in the real world and online that intrigues, perplexes, entertains or amuses me, and I like to share it with people who may have similar interests. That's it. I get personal ocassionally, sure, but fuck it - that's just me venting. There are a gazillion hard right / hard left and every place  in between political blogs out there. This ain't and hopefully never will be one. Juss' sayin'. We cool now?

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