Monday, January 16, 2023

Joe doesn't know when to stop lying, does he?

President Joe Biden repeated during remarks honoring Martin Luther King Jr. on Sunday his questionable claim that he frequented a black church during the civil rights movement. 
Biden would often say when speaking with minority voters during the 2020 presidential campaign that he attended a black church when he was a teenager, but members of that church in Wilmington, Delaware 
do not recall him ever attending

Speaking at Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta, Georgia on Sunday, Biden honored slain civil rights icon Dr. King on his 94th birthday. 
Biden is the first sitting commander-in-chief to deliver a Sunday sermon at the church King once co-led, which, evidently, is a big deal to somebody somewhere...

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  1. By now 90% of those that REALLY voted for Joe (with that I mean not the votes that came out of thin air) will realize what a joke he is. However, being dumb democrats they still think every single day 'no mean tweets'. They have their priorities.

  2. Biden is just a congenital lying politician. He'd be embarrassed at what nonsense comes out of his mouth if his dementia wasn't so bad. Even lying politicians with normal brain function can feel embarrassed when caught in their lies. He's too far gone for even that.


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