Tuesday, January 3, 2023

I'm sick to death of these friggin' RINO's. Enough is enough. Move the fuck on...

This is as of 6:00pm and it's exactly why the Dems have been kicking these guys asses for the last six years. 
Fuck these hard-line breakaway jerkoffs. Get in line with the rest of the fuckin' party and do your goddamn jobs. You have the House and your fuckin' up. Enough...

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  1. At this point I don't give a shit one way or the other. The Repubes finally have the majority again and again they're gonna fuck it up.

  2. So you are a big fan of McCarthy! The shorter version is Cuckservative!

    Wear it with pride, you earned it.

    1. Whatever made you think I'm a fan of this guy I don't know that much about him I just want these m************ to move along

  3. McCarthy should not be Speaker as he is UNIPARTY and that is the problem. He cares for himself only and he is not trusted.

  4. Alrighty then.....he gave you guys an out....elect him, and if he fucks up, move him out and go on to the next guy....right now the republicans look like foolish, disorganized, dumbasses....get your asses to work on what limited power you have to fix what the demo-commies have fucked up...late posting here...got covid on new years day....fuck....
