Thursday, January 19, 2023

Hey - sometimes we deal with important shit here, don't we?


Facebook and Instagram’s parent company could soon free the nipple. More than a decade after breastfeeding mothers first held a “nurse-in” at Facebook’s headquarters to protest against its ban on breasts, Meta’s oversight board has called for an overhaul to the company’s rules banning bare-chested images of women – but not men. 
In a decision dated 17 January, the oversight board – a group of academics, politicians, and journalists who advise the company on its content-moderation policies – recommended that Meta change its adult nudity and sexual activity community standard “so that it is governed by clear criteria that respect international human rights standards”. 
The oversight board’s ruling follows Facebook’s censorship of two posts from an account run by an American couple who are transgender and non-binary. The posts showed the couple posing topless, but with their nipples covered, with captions describing trans healthcare and raising money for top surgery.

Coupla things here - I don't want to know what 'top surgery' is, period. Also, how fucked up is this new world thinking with these people that if a normal, everyday kinda guy like me or you wants to see a woman's tits we can't, but some 'non-binary' jerkoff who can't decide what gender he/she/it is or some friggin' guy with tits (otherwise known as trannies) wants to show off their new, surgically created fake boobs, they can?


And that cartoon's over two years old...

We go through this shit every year at this time. For a period of abour five or six weeks, it gets kinda genuinely sorta cold down here. Two weeks ago we had three days in a row where the temperature went below freezing and  killed every single flowering plant around my house, along with two plam trees, although the palms aren't officially dead, just the fronds, but it's still a pain in the ass. Anyway, this shit can stop anytime it wants to. I didn't move to Florida so I could be wearing three layers of clothes. Juss' sayin'...


What kinda jerkoff do you have to be to be offended 
by this kinda shit in any way? (Asking for a friend).

Microsoft could announce wide-sweeping layoffs within the next few days. The possibility of the tech giant laying off a significant part of its workforce was first reported by Sky News and later corroborated by Bloomberg. Sky put the number of the cuts at approximately five percent of the company’s 220,000-person workforce or about 11,000 employees total. Bloomberg said it couldn’t find out the scale of the layoffs but reported they would affect “a number of engineering divisions” and that they’re set to be “significantly larger” than other rounds of job cuts undertaken by Microsoft over the last year.
One of the things both news sources noted is that this round of layoffs will not effect Microsoft's Customer Service operations simply because Microsoft doesn't have any customer service to speak of. Ever try to talk to someone there about a problem you have? Good luck with that.


During WW2, the Germans built fake wooden airfields with wooden aircraft and vehicles in order to trick the Allies, however, the RAF responded by waiting for them to finish and then dropped a single fake wooden bomb on it.

Know someone who'd like this?
Click on the picture above for information on this bracelet. 
It's only $20.00 with free shipping.  You can find something nice for 
your Mom, your wife, your daughter or your girlfriend right here: 

While I'm thinking about what nice guys the Nazis were, 
how about this little historical tidbit - one of the key components of the Blitzkrieg was the wide use of Pervitin, a methamphetamine. The drug allowed soldiers to go sleepless for up to three nights and "dulled feelings of empathy, hunger and thirst, and reduced pain sensitivity." It also made getting captured a lot less fun.

Some guy spent some time looking up stupid laws in different States, 
and the came up with this. I like the one in Utah - you can't marry 
your cousin until you're collecting social security...'

A Smart Question is a query designed to advertise the wisdom of the asker. The point may be to establish that the interviewer and interviewee are on equal intellectual footing. Sometimes, the question is designed to get the source to begin the answer with a brief compliment: “That’s a smart question!” or, on a good day, “That’s a really smart question!”

Back in 1944 they made this crazy looking thing. It's called a Brogan Doodlebug, and it boasted a 10 hp engine. The Doodlebug could reach a top speed of 45 mph and travel nearly 70 miles on one gallon of gas. Wonder why it didn't catch on - probably because it looks like a boardwalk bumper car...

When's the last time you were in a shopping mall? This is what most of them look like nowadays. I betcha within ten years the majority of 'em will be housing developments.



The $10,000 bill featuring the portrait of President Lincoln’s Secretary of the Treasury, Salmon P. Chase, was the highest denomination US currency ever to publicly circulate.




1 comment:

  1. Ref the Pickles cartoon - a good dump will do that.

    Ref the Doodlebug - with wheels so close together, it probably tipped over on any curve at over 5-10mph.


I'm not here, but Calvin is...