Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Florida Man never lets you down. Neither does she...

POINCIANA, Fla. – Two people in Florida were arrested after one of them made a 911 call to get help with moving their belongings from a home they were burglarizing.
Deputies responded to a home Saturday after a 911 call was made but nobody spoke, the Polk County Sheriff's Office said. At the home, the deputies concluded that nobody lived there, but they found a male suspect and his girlfriend inside the home after entering it through an unlocked door.
Deputies had been searching for the male suspect after identifying him from security video as a burglar at a Dollar General store in Poinciana, where several items were stolen earlier in the day, the sheriff’s office said in a statement.
While talking to deputies, the female suspect told them that she had called 911 for the purpose of having law enforcement help them move their belongings from the house they were burglarizing. They also wanted to get a ride to the airport so they could spend the weekend in New York.
“Deputies DID help them with their belongings, and DID give them a ride, but it wasn’t to the airport … it was to the Polk Pokey," the sheriff's office said in a Facebook post. “And they are welcome to stay there all weekend long. The Polk Pokey is much better than New York anyway."

The male suspect was charged with burglary and theft related to the store and also burglary of a residence. The female suspect was charged with burglary of a residence.

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1 comment:

  1. It's hard to "have the House" when the lead jerkoff is a RINO who hates conservatives and loves the Democrats. He did nothing, nothing, to help get conservatives elected and worked against Trump when he could have done a lot of good for the country instead of lining his pockets and increasing his power.
