Sunday, January 15, 2023

Everybody's gotta have some kinda message these days.

 I have my own message for people like that. 
'Shut the fuck up' is usually it...  
The dress was made out of replica pop-tops and Swarovski chrystals and was made supposedly to celebrate her parents, who she says were garbage collectors back in Cum Phuc Slo, her home town.  "Growing up with garbage collector parents, my life as a child was among piles of garbage and recyclables. This unique gown was purposefully tailor-made with discarded and recycled materials, namely the 'Can Tab' to present to the universe that what's considered worthless by many actually possesses its own value and beauty. 
Isn't that nice of her? What a deep and profound message for the world. Jeez.



I have a friend who lives on a small island off the coast 
of Thailand and he loves it where he is.
He's always been a bit of a mad man, and maybe that's why I like him as much as I do. He's always a world-class chef, and he gets gigs like being the head chef on Saudi Royal Family yachts for months at a time, so he's making shitloads of dough when  he takes on a job - and it's rare when he does. Anyway, his girlfriend usta be a guy. Evidently, that's not a big deal over there. Not my cuppa tea, but if it floats your boat and you're not hurting anybody or yourself, there ya go. 
As a side note, lemme tell ya. There's some scary shit out there, too. Google the phrase 'Thailand Transvestite' - but don't do it at work or when your family are around. It's fuckin' scary the shit that goes on on this interweb thing.
(PS - those are all guys in that picture).
Here's an article that (sorta) explains their weird fascination with this crazy shit:

Honest to god I didn't move here to have to deal with this shit.


It galls me to think this jackass is a Jersey Girl, but she is. She's not funny at all and not all that good looking (sometimes she really does look like guy), but she's tall, blonde and has monster cans, so I guess that's why she's famous.
What a Jersey guy thinks of this Jersey girl...


Answer at the end of the post.


Jack Kerouac reads for an audience at the Seven Arts Cafe in Greenwich Village in 1959.

Know someone who'd like these?

Click on the picture above for information on these earrings. 
They're only $18.00 with free shipping.  You can find something nice for 
your Mom, your wife, your daughter or your girlfriend right here: 


Former White House press secretary Jen Psaki took a swipe at former President Donald Trump while downplaying the political fallout for President Biden in the wake of classified material found in his possession. Psaki joined MSNBC’s "Morning Joe" on Thursday to voice her opinion on the matter, arguing the recent trove of classified documents uncovered at the Penn Biden Center and the president's Wilmington home won't be a political problem for him in the future. She's probably right, sadly...


We're turning in to a country of pussified weenies.
Filmmaker Michael Bay is in “extreme anguish” over a story that claims he was charged in Italy for killing a pigeon, according to his lawyer. In a legal letter, Bay’s attorney is demanding The Wrap retract or correct the “reckless” and “false” story that reported the director was charged in Italy for killing the bird on the set of 6 Underground.
Randy Johnson exploded a bird with a fast ball and all anybody did was laugh. WTF is happening to this country?

Wonder why they're not popular in the northwest and up northeast? They do hire friendly folk, ya know. I don't know if I've ever been in one when the sun was up.

This is actually somewhere between pretty funny 

The answer to today's quiz, children, is Jennifer Grey. Yup. Who'da thunk it?

Yup - looks like somebody put Baby in the corner and left her there to rot. 
Hard to believe, right?




  1. Jennifer Grey's career kind of tanked after she got the nose job. She was pretty before. Now, not so much. (Same with Ashley Tisdale)

  2. Re: Thailand:

  3. She got that nose job and it was over as an actress for a while... "The nose job from hell" and "going in to the operation famous and coming out anonymous" are some of the things she's said about it. So sad nobody could have changed her mind.

  4. Wife was raised in Tampa, she tells me this cold weather used to happen all the time. Of course, that was in the 50s and 60s.
    Weather cycles are, well, cyclical. No duh, huh?

  5. When I was in the GA Air Guard I would eat at the Waffle House on Windy Hill road just off of I75 about 3 miles from Dobbins Air Reserve base. We were the Guard unit on a Reserve base so we did our drill weekend when the Reserves were not there so there was no chow hall. What made this Waffle House special was it was the place the strippers from the Gold Club came to after their shift. There was lots of drama. It was also amazing that they also liked guys in uniform.

  6. Cum phuc slo? Omg im moving!!

  7. On a recent road trip, stopped for the night in Tennessee. The hotel almost shared the parking lot with a Waffle House. Had dinner there, very friendly staff. Next morning tried to go in for breakfast, but the place was crawling with police. Seems someone ODed in the bathroom. Eh, well, at least it wasn't one of the staff (I asked).


On the beach in Port Noo