Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Why does coffee taste better after dinner than it does in the morning?





New Jersey’s 'adult-use weed market' has been open for almost a year now, but for many consumers, their largest concern is finding a place to safely and legally consume the products they buy from the state’s licensed dispensaries. Strict consumption laws and residential ordinances limit where weed can be smoked.
State officials on Friday formally proposed the rules for public cannabis consumption areas – social spaces, sort of like bars, where people will be able to gather and use their legally bought marijuana.
The lounges won’t be opening soon. The official publication of the proposal in the New Jersey Register starts a two-month period in which public comments can be submitted, after which final rules will be approved and then an application process will have to unfold.

Yeah - I musta missed that one. You ever see anything like it?

For all of our readers out in California

I've watched this movie maybe a dozen times or more and never realized 
until last night that the story was written by Truman Capote. 
What an oddball  motherfucker he was.

Did we talk about perspective yesterday?

Let me say right off the bat that given the opportunity to smack 
this over-sized-ass piece of shit in the face with a baseball bat, I would stand in line in the cold and the rain for four days and nights just for a chance to do it, but that having been said...
What the fuck is the fascination (at least in the media and the tabloids) with these people? I know hundreds and hundreds of people - legit - and not one single one of these people would ever give a flying rat's-ass fuck for any of these self-obsessed attention-hungry fuckwads, so I have to ask the question and it is a serious, legitimate question: For who - other than themselves of course - do any of these people exist, and maybe even more importantly, why do they exist? 


Know someone who'd like this?
Click on the picture above for information on this bracelet. 
It's only $18.00 with free shipping.  You can find something nice for 
your Mom, your wife, your daughter or your girlfriend right here: 
This kind of news cracks me up. These protests are like outdoor idiot contests. Thunberg - the mouth that roared -  joined thousands of protesters as they marched in Lützerath in western Germany in an effort to stop energy company RWE from expanding somemines and subsequently bulldozing the village. Police used force to crack down during the protests. (German news agency dpa reported officers used water cannons and batons.) Thunberg referred to these actions as “outrageous.”
 How long ya think it'll be before her body is found in a non-descript basement in downtown Dusseldorf?


Not even two months after its creation, a new artificial intelligence (AI) technology called ChatGPT is getting banned from schools and stirring controversy among educators. 
ChatGPT, a free and easy-to-use AI search tool, hit the ground running when 
it was launched to the public in November. A user types in a question and ChatGPT spits back out an easily understandable answer in an essay format.

A Propeller-Driven Car by the Leyat Helica, a French automobile produced between 1919 & 1925. Horsepower was a fairly scarce resource back in 1913 when Leyat built his first Helica, which used an 18-horsepower, 1,000cc Harley-Davidson v-twin engine in a lightweight plywood body that weighed just 550 lb (250 kg). His goal was to extract motion from that power in the most efficient way possible. In that respect, he did pretty well; a subsequent Helica recorded a top speed of 106 mph in 1927, a terrifying speed for the time.
In other respects, Leyat's propeller car, and several other designs not dissimilar to it, were a roundly awful idea from the beginning, because, well, they had great big propellers on the front of them. While this example is wire mesh shielded, that doesn't appear to have been a feature of the original designs, so errant pedestrians and wayward pigeons alike could end up getting fed through a several thousand-rpm blender, showering driver and passenger with an 'exuberance of gore' (what a great phrase).

My wife saw this online and called me over. 
She had to ask me 'Alaska has an Army'?





  1. By all accounts, Capote was not a motherfucker. A fatherfucker, yes.

  2. Alaska has 25th Infantry Division. The rumor was if a junior officer, warrant officer, or NCO pissed off command they ended up at 25ID.


Playing poker weith the boys tonight, so...

Hey - a boy can dream, can't he?