Friday, January 6, 2023

As Groucho once said so famously...

 Marriage is a wonderful institution, but 
who wants to live in an institution?



And then think about the fuckin' sap who thought that was a good idea.



Snow up on Cave Hill at sunrise. Nice...

You decide for yourself if this is excessive force or 
if the guy is just being an asshole. The video is here:
If you ask me it's both. Sorry to see that the guy died but he died for no friggin' reason. When that many cops show up at your door, do what they say until you can get a handle on what's going on.


Diana Rigg and Anthony Hopkins in 1972. 
I had no idea they were an item. 
My respect for him just increased ten-fold.

Evidentily, someone thinks they are a C&H expert. The actually have the temerity to claim they can name the ten best ever C&H 'snowman' comic strips. That takes more balls than I could ever exhibit. Find the article here:

The application rate for young people seeking technical jobs - like plumbing, building and electrical work - dropped by 49% in 2022 compared to 2020, according to data from online recruiting platform Handshake shared with NPR. While the creation of technical positions has continued to grow, the number of students interested in applying for them - hasn't.
Occupations such as auto technician with aging workforces have the U.S. Chamber of Commerce warning of a "massive" shortage of skilled workers in 2023. 
"For a long time, our society has not talked favorably about the skilled trades," said Cruzvergara. "We've instead encouraged students to all go to college, all go to four-year institutions, graduate, go out into white collar jobs."


Do you have a special occasion of some kind like 
a birthday, an anniversary or some other 
event worth celebrating coming up? 

Click on the picture above for information on this bracelet.  It's only $ 18.00 with free shipping.  
You can find something nice for your Mom, your wife, your daughter or your girlfriend right here: 

Yeah - I had a girlfriend that stupid once.
I know, hard to believe, right?

Really is hard to say if this is legit or not. Kinda friggin' stupid, no matter if it is or isn't, but women were different back in the day. I can remember my mother sitting with her girlfriend Mary Reilly at the kitchen table smoking Larks and drinking Miller Nips the night before one of my sisters was born. That may explain something about my sister, but that's a story for another day...

This year, Portugal was named the top country to live. “It wins in part because of the strength of the U.S. dollar today. It’s a timely pick—because Europe is effectively on sale if you’re shopping with greenbacks. It’s a good time to go,” says Stevens. “Beyond that, Portugal’s visa options make staying there long-term relatively easy. The full article can be found here in Forbes. Interesting reading:

Anybody else but me have one of these? I was drawn in by the 'zero-tracking error' aspect of the stylus arm. I have no idea what legitimacy that claim gives or gets, but it sounded cool. Something about the needle always being at a perfect 90 degrees to the groove or some shit like that. If I ever went back to vinyl, I'd probably get another of the same.


Wernher von Braun, designer of the Saturn V rocket, poses in front of his engines, which led man to the moon. This photo was taken in 1969. 
He did pretty good for himself when he gave up designing 
killing machines for Hitler...



1 comment:

  1. With the winter dulldrums firmly ensconced in many regioins right now - a reminder that spring will be here someday soonish


I'm not here, but Calvin is...