Sunday, January 8, 2023

An 'interesting' way to start your day.

 When we were kids, my father took us 
camping a lot. Didn't matter what time 
of year it was, either...  

I think he just enjoyed being out of doors, and desperately wanted us to enjoy it as much as he did. He was very generous that way.

 Either way, every morning - no matter where we were - he was always first up, and he'd start a fire to get coffee and breakfast going. 
He had a song he'd sing  every morning, never fail. I'm damned if I can find any reference to it anywhere online. Who knows - maybe he made it up himself, but I can hear him, note for note, singing that song so many years later. Here are the words:


Chalk one up for the good guys. An armed robber at a Houston restaurant was fatally shot by a customer when he demanded the other patrons hand over their money. The shooting unfolded inside of Ranchito Taqueria around 11:30 p.m. Thursday when a masked suspect walked in the front door, pointed a gun at customers and demanded their money and wallets.
Footage of the incident shows terrified customers hiding under tables as the robber, dressed in all black, marched around and grabbed their belongings, which some had flung on the floor. As the robber heads to the door to leave, a patron sitting in a booth suddenly stands up and opens fire on the suspect with a handgun, video shows. The customer can then be seen shooting him in the back four times before the robber collapses to the ground. 

They're not born pink. Who'da thunk it?

I wonder how many of them they sold...





Ya know, I started this post talking about when I was a kid, and I'm kinda one-tracking a little bit on that. When we were kids, this was a Sunday lunch (and whenever we were home sick from school) staple in my house. Cooked in my mother's home-made chicken stock and served with grated Parmigiano cheese...

Well, this showed up yesterday as a news item, 
and I'm heart-broken over this. 
I still - to this day - keep at least one box of this in the pantry at all times. And yes, it's always only Ronzoni (Ronzoni sono buono, after all...).
It truly is one of my all-time favorite things. This is going to be a tragic loss...


Do you have a cat lover who has a
 birthday, an anniversary or some other 
event worth celebrating coming up? 
Click on the picture above for information on these earfrings.  They're only $ 18.00 with free shipping.  
You can find something nice for your Mom, your wife, your daughter or your girlfriend right here: 


Ya know how every once in a while an ad will pop up on a web page while you're looking at it, and you have no idea why they chose that ad to display to you? 
Well, yesterday morning, this ad popped up on a Google search. I have no friggin' idea what this is supposed to be, and I don't wanna know, so if you do, keep it to yourself.


Count New Jersey’s two U.S. senators among the critics of President Joe Biden’s new immigration policy. They joined fellow Democratic senators Alex Padilla of California and Ben Ray Luján of New Mexico in opposing Biden’s decision to use a public health immigration policy known as Title 42, invoked by then-President Donald Trump during the coronavirus pandemic, to make it easier to expel immigrants entering the U.S. without authorization.
“Continuing to use this failed and inhumane Trump-era policy put in place to address a public health crisis will do nothing to restore the rule of law at the border,” the senators said in a statement. “Instead, it will increase border crossings over time and further enrich human smuggling networks.”
The senators also said that Biden’s actions would “disregard our obligations under international law by banning families from seeking asylum at the border, likely separating families and stranding migrants fleeing persecution and torture in countries unable to protect them.”

Cheech's low rider from the movie. Check out the license plate...


Spring training starts in 48 days. Juss' sayin'...




  1. Apparently those under pants are for a RINO.

  2. Title 42 Section 265 was passed in July 1944. So much for a "Trump-era policy."

  3. I've got an old birding book from the 50s & they were trying to get captive flamingos to turn pink. Birine shrimp is the thing that does it.

  4. My parents were from Jersey City. We did not camp... But I did get to camp when I got older, Camp Pendleton. Not fun.

  5. The song is "Roll Out of Bed With a Smile," 1933, lyrics by Joe Young, music by Milton Ager.


I'm not here, but Calvin is...