Tuesday, January 3, 2023

A royal, pussy-whipped crybaby. Yup - that's Harry...

I am sick to tears of a media - and a society - that makes 'celebrities' out of self-important, spoiled-brat rich guys like this guy. 
He married a social-climbing piece of shit who's only claim to fame was opening briefcases on a lame-ass TV game show, and the crybaby fuck wants our sympathy? 
You were born in to Royalty and you want me to feel sorry for you? Go the fuck away. Please - and take that bitch of a wife with you.

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  1. Women the world over were crazy about him. He could have had any woman on the planet. He chose poorly.

  2. Regarding Prince Harry and his trash bag, 'Well said, sir'.

  3. Harry, you climbed in your bed and set it on fire. Thank your bed partner for helping you destroy your family connection.


Good Morning...