Thursday, December 29, 2022

Ya know that list of guys who should be in jail but aren't?

 How this guy isn't in the top five on that list amazes me. Imagine taking advice from him...  

'Nobody manipsinates Tawanna Brawley...'




A Buffalo looter made off with nothing but his life after a man took up arms to defend his neighborhood. The ransacker had tried to break into one of the Pine Hill storefronts on Bailey Avenue when the civil soldier chased the would-be thief away, according to shocking video posted on Twitter Monday. The clips show a group of people, some carrying brooms and sticks, running through the Skys the Limit Hair & Beauty parking lot after the looter.
People can then be heard screaming as they realize one of the men is carrying a gun. “They about to shoot somebody. They trying to shoot somebody,” a man says in the video, just before another guy, clad in a gray sweatshirt and hat, can be seen bracing his feet in a shallow snow bank and aiming his gun. He fires off two shots at an off-camera but the identity of the shooter is a mystery to everyone but the business owners.

This former Heineken Brewery in Amsterdam is now 
a hotel. Must be interesting...

A.A. Milne was famous for having written the original 'Winnie the Pooh'.  This is a photo of the author's son, Christopher Robin, sitting at home with his teddy bear - whom the young boy had named 'Winnie'. When the author asked his son what 'kind' of bear his 'Winnie' was, Christopher replied "He's a Pooh". And the rest is history...

Fifty-five percent of U.S. homeowners say they could not raise the funds to purchase their home at current prices and interest rates, according to the 2022 Housing Affordability Survey by Cato Institute, findings released this month.
 Housing prices have risen more than 40 percent since the start of the Biden Adminisrtation. A year ago, soaring home values were a point of pride. Now, for potential buyers and sellers, they are a source of fear. Add to that the fact that mortgage rates are at a 40-year high, and it all falls apart.



You can read what the Post had to report about this here:

I don't know what they do in Upstate New York, but back in Jersey
 we learned to deal with the snow years ago...


Any idea who this is? No fair cheating...


After skipping out of town to an undisclosed location during his city’s extreme winter storm last week, New York City Mayor Eric Adams has finally shared where he traveled. “I was in the U.S. Virgin Islands,” Adams admitted to reporters Tuesday. The mayor then reportedly went on to chastise reporters for questioning where he was, telling them “I'm not always going to tell this press where I am.” Adams was roundly criticized for dipping out of the city ahead of the storm as New Yorkers faced freezing weather, leaving the streets icy and parts of the city flooded. As of Tuesday, 34 people in the state have been confirmed dead from the storm. 
I never realized that where I used to live is so popular with Democrats. 
That's where Biden is as you read this.



  1. Didn't have to cheat, Veronica Lake. A little hottie!

    1. Yeah, I didn't recognize her either until I blocked off the left half of her face.

  2. Housing prices high! Y' wanna check what it cost my wife for this week's bag of groceries! N' it's not just Pedo Joe; it's the whole bunch of 'em sitting on their fat asses down in Washington printing more money and giving my taxes to Zelinskyy - what for? Why are we getting involved (spending money like it's running outta style) in a European border war which doesn't involve us?
    N' Blackrock's been buying up houses at better than market driving prices skyhigh - whose money are they using?

  3. i grew up in Orange Co. NY. now live upstate NY in the northern Finger Lakes area. There is no comparison between snow fall/storms in upstate NY to snowfall/storms anywhere in NJ. you´re comparing apples to oranges or Dolly Parton´s Breasts to Taylor Swift´s breast. Just can´t do it.

    1. I grew up next door in Rockland Co, then spent nearly a decade in the Southern Tier and the Leatherstocking District. Agree 100%. Up there Winter starts in mid-September and often last until the middle of May. Far too often we'd have a snowman with a carved jack o' lantern head. Even down in Binghamton 3-4' on the ground for several months is not unusual. Then I got smart and moved to central NJ. Winter here is a few weeks of rather coldish temps, a couple months in the 30s-40s, a few snowfalls of half a foot which melt away in a couple days, and the season is bracketed by chilly rains in the late Fall and early Spring. You are welcome to the world of endless frozen white.

  4. Veronica Lake is the mystery girl.
